Snapshot of overgrown state of guttering at Princess of Wales Hospital shows level of dilapidation

An image of the shocking and overgrown state of guttering at the leak-hit Princess of Wales hospital has been captured by a member of the public while visiting this week.

The Bridgend based hospital has seen urgent work carried out over the last few days after rainwater was discovered leaking into the building, with some patients having to be moved alongside non-urgent appointments.

Ceilings at the hospital were damaged as a result of the leaks, which were said to have been the caused by an area of the roof already in need of repair being hit by heavy rain over the weekend.

However, in the picture  taken by a member of the public shows the with vastly overgrown guttering, filled with what looks to be grass, weeds, and even a tomato plant coming out.

In response to the picture, a spokesperson for Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board said clearing the foliage in “small sections of guttering” would now be one of the main priorities of the work that is taking place.

They said: “Clearing the foliage that has quickly taken hold in small sections of guttering is one of the priorities for the work currently under-way at the hospital.

“Accessing some areas of the roof is a complex operation and we are grateful for the cooperation and understanding of patients as we carry out this extensive programme of maintenance.”

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