Celebrating Ceredigion’s young entrepreneurs: the ideal place to live and succeed

At the Royal Welsh Show on the afternoon of Wednesday 24 July, a panel of young entrepreneurs from Ceredigion discussed their ambitions under the leadership of Chairman Endaf Griffiths.


The purpose of the event was to promote the opportunities available in Ceredigion, especially for ambitious young people. In attendance were representatives of businesses that have received support through the ARFOR Programme, the United Kingdom Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and the Cynnal y Cardi fund in Ceredigion.

Speakers (left to right): Anwen James, Rhys Jones, Owen McConochie, Bryan Davies, Endaf Griffiths, a Steff Evans.

The panel discussed their individual journeys in venturing into the world of business and their successes and developments, as well as discussing some of the challenges they have faced on their journey. The members of the panel were Rhys Jones from Cattle Strength, Anwen James from Ani-Bendod and Steff Evans from Delineate and Dreigiau Bach: all have received support from the Enterprising Communities Fund. Also present was Owen McConochie from Lloyds Dairy who has managed to obtain support from the UKSPF through the Cynnal y Cardi business support fund.


Councillor Bryan Davies, Leader of Ceredigion County Council, said: “Ceredigion is a confident and welcoming County where many of its people are thriving and developing to establish prosperous and successful businesses. Companies in Ceredigion have taken advantage of a number of funding sources administered by the County Council through our UKSPF projects, ARFOR: Skilled Communities, Town Transformation and Cynnal y Cardi Funds projects. Let’s take advantage of these opportunities and celebrate what makes our County such a special place: the ideal place to live and succeed.”


For information about the support in Ceredigion go to www.ceredigion.gov.uk/business/funding-and-grants/


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