A series of circular routes suitable for horse riders and cyclists will be shared on the Council’s social media pages over the summer. The aim is to encourage Ceredigion residents and visitors to make use of the routes and to venture to parts of the County that may have not been discovered before.
Following bridleways and byways gives access to open countryside, wooded valleys and streams and rivers and it’s long been proven that being outdoors in green space and nature is good for physical and mental health and wellbeing.
The highlighted routes will be available to view on the Walks and Rides page: Walks and Rides – Ceredigion County Council. On the website there is a simple map of the route, the total distance and suggested start points, with a key showing which areas of the route are off road and where the route follows country roads. Users can take a printed copy of the walk or download a copy to their smart phone to help guide them on their way.
Cabinet member Councillor Clive Davies with responsibility for the Economy and Regeneration said: “Ceredigion has so much to offer our residents and visitors, from soaring cliffs, sheltered coves, rolling hills, fertile valleys, wooded cwms and tumbling streams. Promoting these various routes will not only encourage tourists to visit but also to highlight scenic areas that even local residents may not have discovered before.”
Users of all Public Rights of Way are reminded that these paths cross private land and that the Countryside Code should be followed at all times: Countryside Code – Ceredigion County Council. Users should keep to the line of a path and leave gates as they were found.
Route users are responsible for finding safe and appropriate parking and ensuring that they are not causing an obstruction. There are a number of gates on many of the routes, some of which you may need to dismount to negotiate.
For further information, e-mail Countryside@ceredigion.gov.uk or call 01545 570881 and ask to speak to a member of the Coast and Countryside team.