Council confirm a programme of works for Brynmefys estate, Llanelli

Carmarthenshire County Council has confirmed, having consulted with the residents of Brynmefys, that the majority of homes on the site will be demolished. The three homes that are currently occupied will be kept, however, as well as the properties that are adjoining them.

Brynmefys and the neighbouring estate of Maengwynne were built in the 1950s. Maengwynne was refurbished in the early 2000s. Due to the non-traditional construction of the properties on Brynmefys, however, they were unable to be refurbished using the same method as that used in Maengwynne.

The Council bought the majority of owner-occupied homes in Brynmefys and found alternative housing solutions for the residents. Some homeowners decided to stay at the estate. The Council have tried to partner with private developers to develop the estate and, despite some interest, none have come to fruition.

Consequently, the Council has now decided on this course of action as it is felt in the best interests of the residents themselves, the local community and the Council itself. The Council has also considered whether additional social housing could be provided on the site but feel that its location, and cost of redevelopment, will not make this option feasible. The Council has an ambitious plan to build affordable homes in other locations right across the County.

Demolition is planned for November 2023 taking account of the ecological issues on the site and the ecological mitigation measures that will need to be completed before demolition can begin.

Existing residents on Brynmefys are fully aware of the plans and are supportive.

Carmarthenshire County Council’s Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Homes, Cllr Linda Evans said: “I am glad that, after a number of attempts to try to redevelop, we are finally able to progress with the work of improving the Brynmefys estate for its existing residents and the neighbouring community.

“I acknowledge that this process may take a bit more time because of the need to protect the wildlife but I am pleased we now have clear plans in place.”

Local County Councillors Martyn Palfreman and Edward Skinner added “It’s good news that we have now found a way forward with the Brynmefys issue and to address concerns expressed by local people about the current condition of the estate. We would like to thank residents on the estate and the wider community for their continued patience as the agreed work takes place over the coming months.”

Cyngor yn cadarnhau rhaglen o waith ar gyfer Ystad Brynmefys, Llanelli




Mae Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin wedi cadarnhau, ar ôl ymgynghori â thrigolion Brynmefys, y bydd mwyafrif y cartrefi ar y safle yn cael eu dymchwel. Fodd bynnag, bydd y tri chartref sydd wedi’u meddiannu ar hyn o bryd yn cael eu cadw yn ogystal â’r eiddo sy’n ffinio â nhw.


Adeiladwyd Brynmefys a’r ystâd gyfagos Maengwynne yn y 1950au. Adnewyddwyd Maengwynne yn gynnar wedi’r flwyddyn 2000. Fodd bynnag, oherwydd adeiladwaith anhraddodiadol yr eiddo ym Mrynmefys, nid oeddent yn gallu cael eu hadnewyddu gan ddefnyddio’r un dull â’r hyn a ddefnyddiwyd ym Maengwynne.


Prynodd y Cyngor y rhan fwyaf o’r cartrefi mewn perchen-feddiannaeth ym Mrynmefys a daethant o hyd i atebion tai eraill i’r preswylwyr. Penderfynodd rhai perchnogion tai aros yn yr ystâd. Mae’r Cyngor wedi ceisio partneru gyda datblygwyr preifat i ddatblygu’r ystâd ac, er y dangoswyd peth diddordeb, does yr un wedi dwyn ffrwyth.


O ganlyniad, mae’r Cyngor bellach wedi penderfynu ar y ffordd hon o weithredu gan dyna a deimlir fyddai er budd gorau’r preswylwyr eu hunain, y gymuned leol ac yn wir y Cyngor ei hun. Mae’r Cyngor hefyd wedi ystyried a fyddai modd darparu tai cymdeithasol ychwanegol ar y safle ond maen nhw’n teimlo na fydd ei leoliad, a chost ailddatblygu, yn gwneud yr opsiwn hwn yn ymarferol. Mae gan y Cyngor gynllun uchelgeisiol i godi tai fforddiadwy mewn lleoliadau eraill ar draws y Sir.


Y bwriad yw dymchwel y tai ym mis Tachwedd 2023 gan ystyried y materion ecolegol ar y safle a’r mesurau lliniaru ecolegol y bydd angen eu cwblhau cyn y gall y gwaith dymchwel ddechrau.


Mae preswylwyr presennol Brynmefys yn gwbl ymwybodol o’r cynlluniau ac yn eu cefnogi.


Dywedodd y Cynghorydd Linda Evans, Dirprwy Arweinydd Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin a’r Aelod Cabinet dros Dai: “Rwy’n falch ein bod, ar ôl nifer o ymdrechion i geisio ailddatblygu, o’r diwedd yn gallu symud ymlaen gyda’r gwaith o wella ystad Brynmefys i’r preswylwyr presennol a’r gymuned gyfagos.


“Rwy’n sylweddoli y gallai’r broses yma gymryd ychydig yn fwy o amser oherwydd yr angen i warchod y bywyd gwyllt ond rwy’n falch bod gennym ni gynlluniau clir mewn lle bellach.”


Ychwanegodd y Cynghorwyr Sir Lleol, Martyn Palfreman ac Edward Skinner “Mae’n newyddion da ein bod bellach wedi dod o hyd i ffordd ymlaen gyda mater Brynmefys ac i fynd i’r afael â phryderon a fynegwyd gan bobl leol am gyflwr presennol yr ystad. Hoffem ddiolch i breswylwyr ar yr ystad a’r gymuned ehangach am eu hamynedd parhaus wrth i’r gwaith a gytunwyd gael ei wneud dros y misoedd sydd i ddod.”




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