Families in Carmarthenshire can now sign up for nappy recycling collections

FAMILIES in Carmarthenshire can now sign up for free fortnightly collections of children’s nappies.

Carmarthenshire County Council is launching a new collection service for households to recycle their nappies instead of putting them in with their black bag waste.

The council already provides the purple bags for the collection of hygiene waste, and this service will be extended to include children’s nappies from June 27.

Parents can now sign up for the new nappy collections on the council website, visit carmarthenshire.gov.wales/recycling and click on hygiene and nappy waste. Once registered, households will be provided with purple bags and will be allocated a collection day and calendar.

The collection service will replace the black bag exemption service for households who have children in nappies, where they are given an additional black bag allowance.

Not only will it divert this type of waste from landfill, but it will also help to increase the council’s recycling rates.

Cabinet Member for Transport, Waste and Infrastructure Services Cllr Edward Thomas said: “I am delighted that in my new role as cabinet member for waste, one of the first new services that is being delivered, is nappy collections for families in Carmarthenshire. Not only will it help to reduce the number of black bags householders put out for collection, but it gives them a much better solution for nappy waste and stops it going to landfill.”

Nappy recycling one of a number of changes the council is making to its waste services over the next two years in order to meet Welsh Government’s 70% recycling target by 2025.

“Our residents are constantly telling us they want to recycle more, and there is still much more we can all do to reduce our black bag waste,” said Cllr Thomas.

“We will be introducing glass collections in the autumn, along with weekly blue bag collections. Then in 2024, we will be making further changes so that households can recycle even more from, such as textiles, batteries and small household appliances.

“I would like to thank all our residents for continuing to do the right thing and for doing their bit for the environment, by sorting and recycling their waste. It makes a big difference, and the nappy collections and other changes will support residents to recycle even more.”

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