FUW seeks nominations for ‘Outstanding Contribution to Agriculture in Carmarthenshire’ award

THE Carmarthen branch of Farmers’ Union of Wales is seeking nominations for the 2022 FUW – United Counties Agriculture and Hunters Society Award for the person judged to have made the most Outstanding Contribution to Agriculture in Carmarthenshire during the past few years.

The judges will include representatives from the FUW, FUW Insurance Services Ltd and the United Counties Agricultural and Hunters Society. The award will be presented at the FUW’s prestigious Eve of the Welsh Dairy Show event.

FUW Carmarthenshire County Executive Officer David Waters said: “The nomination should be in the form of a letter or citation giving full details of the work and achievement of the nominee with great emphasis on the positive or beneficial effect on agriculture in Carmarthenshire.”

The closing date for nominations is Friday 7 October at 5pm and nominations need to be sent to the FUW Carmarthenshire county office, 13a Barn Road, Carmarthen, SA31 1DD or via email to carmarthen@fuw.org.uk

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