Llanelli MS warns of ‘Despicable scam targeting unpaid carers’

The Member of the Senedd for Llanelli, Lee Waters, is warning unpaid carers of a new scam that is targeting them over the £500 payment they’re set to receive from the Welsh Labour Government.

The Welsh Government has issued a scam warning after they became aware that scammers are asking people to share their bank details in order to receive the £500 payment.

Lee Waters MS warned:

“This is not how unpaid carers claim the payment. If you are contacted by someone asking you to share your bank details, please don’t. The correct way to claim this payment is through Carmarthenshire County Council and you will be able to do so later this year.”


Further details for eligible unpaid carers about how and when to register for the payment will be available shortly.

Lee Waters MS said:

“There are around 3,400 unpaid carers in Carmarthenshire. Many of them will have played a pivotal role throughout the pandemic in our local communities. They have gone above and beyond to care for family or friends.


It is despicable that scammers are targeting those set to receive the payment the £500 payment. Which is designed to support them during this cost-of-living crisis.”


Lee Waters MS added:

“I will keep people updated on how to apply through my social media accounts. If anyone is unable to view my social media accounts or simply wants more information, please contact me through my email address Lee.Waters@Senedd.Wales or call my office on 01554 774 902.”

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