St Davids Day Parade wows the crowds

Picture Special by Elkanah Evans and Alan Evans

Hundreds of people attended the St David’s Day parade in Carmarthen today, Saturday (Mar 2).

The parade started from St Peter’s Church headed by Carmarthen Coracles the Carmarthen Symphonic Wind Band and flag bearers.

Young and old joined in carrying banners and flags and of course wearing daffodils or leeks.

The Bishop of St David’s Dorrien Davies was at the church greeting people along with the Mayor of Carmarthn Wyn Thomas and Civic Dignitaries from Carmarthenshire County Council and Carmarthen Town Council.

It was a gloriously sunny but chilly morning as the parade set off along King Street towards the Guildhall Square. Crowds lined the route taking photographs and clapping. Numerous shop windows were dressed for the occasion and the town looked wonderful.

As the parade reached the Guildhall Square crowds had gathered to welcome them and applaud. Following speeches from Councillor Peter hughes Griffiths, Rev Betty Wyn James, Mayor of Carmarthen Wyn Thomas and the Bishop of St Davids Dorrien Davies all gathered sang the Welsh National Anthem.

Entertainment was provided by the Carmarthen Symphonic Wind Band, Danswyr Talog and a singing duo Phoebe and Imogen.

Local cafes were serving Cawl and Welshcakes and there were plenty of floral daffodil displays around the town. People were encouraged to take part and join in the dancing.

Mayor of Carmarthen Wyn Thomas said that it was a great day for the town and that the event was going from strength to strength.

Members of the Senedd Cefin Campbell and Adam Price were also at the parade along with the Leader of Carmarthenshire County Council Darren Price and MP Jonathan Edwards who said that the event was now an important date in the calendar to celebrate the fantastic culture of Wales and especially the Welsh Language.

Bishop of St Davids Dorrien Davies said it was wonderful to be at the parade in his home town. He thanked everyone for their attendance and blessed the congregation telling them that he loved them all and that he was praying for them all. It was an exceptional speech from the heart.

Businesses would have done a roaring trade as car parking around the town was free.

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