Ty Hafan provides free therapy sessions to Carmarthen families thanks to Tesco

Families of children suffering serious, complex and often terminal illnesses will receive free therapy sessions thanks to funding from Tesco.


Tŷ Hafan has received £1,000 from the supermarket’s Community Grants scheme to provide complementary therapy sessions for parents of children in palliative care across Carmarthen.


Tŷ Hafan will also provide treatments for complementary therapy to the children in its care, as well as for parents, carers and other family members in Carmarthen.


Christopher Coles, Tŷ Hafan Grants and Trusts Manager said: “We can’t thank Tesco enough for the grant. Tŷ Hafan’s mission is to ensure that a short life is a full family life, and for hundreds of families across Wales, they rely on our care services to make that happen.


“Complementary Therapy in Palliative care can provide a number of benefits to our life-limited children and their families, having positive effects on their spiritual, mental and physical wellbeing.”


Tesco’s Community Grants scheme awards funds to community organisations that make a positive difference to their communities, with £500, £1,000 and £1,500 available.


Claire de Silva, Head of Community at Tesco, said: “It’s great seeing amazing charities such as Tŷ Hafan receive these grants and support.


“Here at Tesco, we will always strive to champion local charities and causes.


“The Tŷ Hafan charity being voted to receive the top grant is just more proof of the wonderful work they do in Wales.”

To find out more about Tesco Community Grants go to www.tescocommunitygrants.org.uk.

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