Cost-saving proposals could mean fewer black bags per collection in Ceredigion

CEREDIGION could soon be reducing the number of black bags collected to three per three-weekly collection under cost saving proposals.

As part of cost-saving measures as the council faces its toughest budget, with a potential council tax rise of just over 11 per cent, members of Ceredigion County Council’s Cabinet, meeting on February 20, are expected to support the change, part of a wider-ranging list of measures ahead of the annual budget.

The actual 2024-’25 budget, following Cabinet recommendation on February 20, will be made by full council on February 29.

A report for members says: “During the Thriving Communities Budget Scrutiny meeting [February 9], as part of the discussion on the Highways & Environmental Services proposed saving item regarding the waste service (to limit the number of black bags collected from each household), scrutiny committee members sought more clarity on the specific proposal.

“Cabinet are therefore affirming that the proposed limit to be introduced would be three black bags (no larger than 60 litres each) per residential household per three-weekly collection (broadly being the maximum number that would fit into a 180 litre wheelie bin).”

The cost saving is estimated to be some £25,000, a report for members says.

The report adds: “Absorbent Hygiene Products (AHP) waste would be collected via the residual waste arrangements but still in the separate purple bags. These purple bags would not form part of the proposed black bag limit.

“The changes to the AHP collection would be kept under review for an initial period to ensure the new model operates effectively.”

At the same meeting, Cabinet is also recommended to back a proposed new residual waste contract, saving £300,000.

The current contract is coming to an end on March 31, a report for members saying: “as a result it was necessary to undertake a further procurement exercise, which would focus only on the disposal of residual (black bag) waste”.

The contract aims to divert as much of this waste from landfill as possible, with a minimum requirement of 90 per cent landfill diversion.

That report concludes: “As a result of the procurement exercise and the outcome of the financial analysis of the estimated costs, [the most economically advantageous tender] results in a position that is £300,000 better than the financial estimates that were included in the Budget report to Cabinet on 23/01/24.”

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