Extra engagement sessions on proposed closure of Laugharne surgery

Hywel Dda University Health Board is organising another public drop-in event in Laugharne, to give patients a further opportunity to discuss the application from the Coach and Horses GP Surgery in St. Clears, to close their Laugharne Branch Surgery.

This public engagement event will take place from 3.00pm to 6.00pm on Tuesday, February 6 2024 at Laugharne Memorial Hall.

Hywel Dda University Health Board (HDdUHB) received the application from the Coach and Horses GP Surgery in St. Clears, to close their Laugharne Branch Surgery in Carmarthenshire earlier this year.

Hywel Dda University Health Board’s Director of Primary Care Jill Paterson said: “In response to the number of patients who have expressed a wish to participate in the public engagement event but did not feel that they were able to raise all of their concerns at the session in November 2023 a further engagement event will be held for those people who have not had the opportunity to share their views so far.

“What we have heard from patients and stakeholders in the engagement programme to date will be compiled with the views from a second, and final event to be held on Tuesday, 6 February 2024. This means that a recommendation on the way forward will not be considered by the Health Board until March 2024.”

The main reasons for the application to close the Laugharne branch surgery are:

The Practice has faced major problems in sustaining its core workforce and has been unable to provide GP sessions at the Laugharne Branch Surgery since April 2020.

In order to protect the provision of general medical services, the GP Partners of the Coach and Horses Surgery in St.Clears have made the difficult decision to apply to close the Laugharne Branch Surgery. This will allow them to centralise their staff and services, which will in turn support the future sustainability of the GP Practice.
There are challenges across the UK in the recruitment and retention of general medical practitioners (GPs).

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