Vulnerable’ market hall renovated and brought back into active use

The Cabinet Secretary for Housing, Local Government and Planning, Julie James, has visited the Grade II listed building, Yr Hen Farchnad (The Old Market), in Llandeilo.

Llandeilo – by Alan Evans, 2013

The market was a key part of Llandeilo’s history before becoming disused and falling into a state of disrepair.

It was then placed on the ‘buildings at risk register’ having been classified as vulnerable in 2007.

Now, there is no longer a trace of that ‘vulnerable’ building as the iconic market space has been completely renovated and revitalised, by Carmarthenshire County Council, bringing employment opportunities and event space to the heart of the town.

The renovation scheme was supported by £1.7 million of Welsh Government Transforming Towns funding which included European Regional Development funding.


The Cabinet Secretary said: “It’s fantastic to see that through our Transforming Towns programme we’ve been able to support the renovation of Yr Hen Farchnad.

“This project has not only brought a disused, derelict building back into active use, but has created jobs, training opportunities and is now driving footfall from local people and visitors into the town centre.”

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