Councillor Trevor Watkins to replace Martyn Kellaway as Newport Mayor

The next Mayor of Newport has said he wants to focus on a charity supporting those with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and the “under-represented” voluntary sector.

Labour councillor Trevor Watkins, 78, will be inaugurated as Mayor of Newport on May 16. He has been a Labour member for more than 60 years and was first elected as a Newport City councillor in 2004.

The Tredegar Park and Marshfield councillor said: “I was an instigator in getting Newport Council to recognise MND and I want to continue this.”

Cllr Watkins added: “I would also like to concentrate on the sixth forms because they are coming in to the election scenario. I want to make sure they are aware of what their rights are.”

Prior to becoming a councillor, Cllr Watkins worked in the security industry for around 15 years. He also worked for British Rail.

Cllr Watkins’ daughter Catherine Karlson will be the Mayoress. He said: “Unfortunately I lost my wife in 2019, before the pandemic, so my daughter will be stepping in to the role.”

Cllr Watkins will replace Conservative councillor Martyn Kellaway as mayor.


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