Family tribute following Abercynon fatal collision



The family of Teresa Griffiths, from Mountain Ash, who sadly lost her life following a road traffic collision on New Road, Abercynon on Tuesday 30th May have paid tribute to her.


“The loss of Teresa to all of us is immeasurable. She was a such an amazing person, a wife, a mother, grandmother, great grandmother, Aunty, cousin, mother-in-law, and friend. She was all of these but so much more.


“She was a well-known, loved, and respected member of the local community.


“Through her various roles as a carer in the community, to her job within the local Rugby Club and being voted captain of the Women’s Skittle team, she will be sadly missed in all corners of Mountain Ash.


“She was such a kind, generous and true friend to those who were lucky to be in her circle. She was loyal and protective of those she loved, and they were in turn blessed to have such a true friend in their lives.


“Teresa will always be loved, deeply missed and the cherished memories we all have of her, will remain in our hearts forever.


“Finally, as a family we would like to thank all the staff at both Prince Charles Hospital, Merthyr and particularly at the University Hospital of Wales Poly Trauma Ward who were just amazing in the care and compassion they showed Teresa.


“We find some comfort in knowing she is no longer in pain, but our hearts are broken without her”.

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