“Give us the tools to transform the systems from which so many injustices faced by women stem”

Plaid Cymru have issued the following statement on International Women’s Day.

On International Women’s Day, for which the message in the 2023 campaign is to ‘fully embrace equity’, Plaid Cymru spokesperson for social justice and equalities, Sioned Williams MS said:

“Wales should always strive to become a kinder, fairer, more equal nation – a ‘Cymru for All’ where no one is left behind.

“Plaid Cymru believes that independence is the only way that we can achieve this since it’s the means to building up our nation, our public services and the lives of our people, to reduce inequality and tackle all forms of injustice.

“While we are part of this unequal, un-United Kingdom, Plaid Cymru is calling for the tools so that we can begin the work of transforming the Welsh economy and our healthcare system. This will be fundamental in transforming the systems from which so many injustices faced by women stem – creating work opportunities and enabling access to better paid, less precarious employment, and removing inequalities in our healthcare.”

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