Plaid want assurances that nuclear development at Wyfla will prioritise the needs of local communities

Plaid Cymru’s candidate in Ynys Môn for the upcoming General Election says any plans to develop a nuclear power site at Wyfla must centre around the needs and interests of local communities.

UK Government have announced overnight that the Wylfa site on Ynys Môn is their preferred option for the development of a large-scale nuclear power station.  This news follows the announcement back in March that the UK Government had purchased the land previously owned by Hitatchi for £160 million.

Plans to build a nuclear power station of this kind were originally scrapped in 2019 following UK Government’s failure to support the plans, but renewed efforts have come about in recent months to revive the development.

In response to the announcement, Llinos Medi said:

‘This announcement is to be welcomed, but we have to remain wary of the political motivations behind it. All we’re being told is that Wylfa is a priority site for nuclear development, something we’ve long been aware of. Without any further details or timescales to accompany it, unfortunately, this announcement doesn’t offer anything but warm words.

‘The truth is, it was the UK Conservative Government’s fault that plans to press ahead with this development were scrapped back in 2019, taking away thousands of potential jobs that local people were promised and putting us all the way back to square one.

‘While I’m glad that developing a nuclear power station at Wylfa is back on the table, the priority for these plans must centre around the needs of our local communities on Ynys Môn. However, I fear that, based on their previous track record, this will not be a priority for this UK government.  I will continue to demand the best for local communities on Ynys Môn and ensure that any development of a nuclear power station on the island is delivered with their interests at heart.’

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