Unions set to lobby Carmarthenshire County Council on St. David’s Day

Several unions including Carmarthenshire County Unison, Swansea and District Trades Council  and anti-cuts campaigners will be lobbying Plaid Led Carmarthenshire County Council on Wednesday 1st March outside County Hall starting at 9.00am.

Unions will be calling on councillors to vote against implementing further devastating Tory cuts.

A Unison representative said: “Councillors have a political choice whether to fight and organise against the cuts and defend jobs and services or pass on what Welsh Local Government Association leader described as ‘austerity on steroids’.

“The lack of resistance of Carmarthenshire County Council and other councils has encouraged the Tories to impose further cuts.

“We call on Plaid led Carmarthenshire County Council to stand up for local communities and implement a legal needs led no cuts budget that builds council houses, fully funds our schools and other services that are vital for our communities and the most vulnerable.”


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