Family pay tribute to 75-year-old who died following an incident in Burry Port

Retired teacher Peter Ormerod, aged 75, who suffered serious injuries in an incident in Burry Port on Saturday night (24 September) has sadly passed away earlier today.

His family have paid tribute to him, saying: “Peter was a well-respected teacher and member of the community.

“A very loved and loving father, grandfather, brother and friend.”
The family requests privacy at this difficult time.

“Roedd Peter yn berson uchel ei barch, fel athro ac fel aelod o’r gymuned.
“Roedd yn dad, yn dadcu ac yn frawd cariadus ac yn ffrind annwyl iawn.”
Mae’r teulu yn gofyn am breifatrwydd yn ystod y cyfnod anodd hwn.

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