Important step forward for coal tip safety

Climate Change Minister Julie James has today published the Welsh Government’s detailed response to the Law Commission’s report on Regulating Coal Tip Safety in Wales

In 2020, the Welsh Ministers asked the Law Commission for England and Wales to undertake a detailed review of the current legislation relating to coal tip safety in Wales.

The Welsh Government’s response to the Law Commission’s review announced today has drawn on the White Paper consultation launched last summer, and the trialling of key components of the proposed regime, working closely with the Coal Authority, local authorities and Natural Resources Wales.

Climate Change Minister Julie James said: “I welcome the Law Commission’s review which confirmed the need for a modern framework.

“The result of the review helps to inform the development of a modern, fit-for-purpose framework that will benefit Wales’s disused spoil tip to which we have committed in the Programme for Government.

“On behalf of the Welsh Government, I would like to thank the Law Commission for its detailed report and ongoing support in delivering this important policy area.

“I am also grateful to all those who have engaged with the Law Commission and the

Welsh Government to help improve our understanding of disused spoil tips, the associated risks and in helping shape new legislation for reducing public safety risks in future.”


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