“It’s about time” – Welsh Lib Dems react to General Election news

Following the announcement yesterday, the Welsh Liberal Democrats have reacted to the news that the General Election has been called for the 4th of July.

Speaking outside of number 10 this evening, the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak confirmed that a summer election would be on the cards for the electorate.

The Welsh Lib Dems have welcomed the news, stating that it’s “about time the public had a say in who is running the country”.

Commenting, the Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats Jane Dodds MS said:

“After months of speculation and rumours, Rishi Sunak has finally decided to face the music by calling a general election for this Summer.

It’s about time the public had a say in who is running the country, after years of Conservative chaos and disorder we have finally been given the chance to show them the door.

This is a chance for the electorate to send a message to both Westminster and Cardiff Bay that they want to see some meaningful change.

Make no mistake, neither the Conservatives or Labour offer anything different from the current status quo.

The Liberal Democrats have always had a proud history of standing up for the interests of people here in Wales, and this will not change.

This is not only an opportunity to kick the Conservatives out of Westminster but also our chance to send a message to the Welsh Labour government that Wales will not put up with their nonsense for much longer.”


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