Plaid urge UK Gov to pay toward making coal tips safer

Plaid Cymru urge the UK Government to pay towards making hundreds of tips and former coal tips safe
Recent data (November 2023) reveals there are 350 unsafe coal tips across 14 Welsh local authorities areas, an increase of over 50 since 2021 due to the rapidly changing climate.

The information was collected by the Coal Tips Safety Taskforce, established after a landslip at a disused coal tip in Tylorstown, Rhondda Cynon Taf, in February 2020.

Plaid Cymru’s Delyth Jewell has said that coal tips are the legacy of the country’s industrial history which predates devolution, and causes anxiety for nearby communities.

In a motion to be debated in the Senedd today (Wednesday 8 May 2024), Plaid Cymru has called upon the Labour Welsh Government to introduce legislation to effectively monitor tips, ensure preventative work to avert danger and remedial work to reduce existing risks.

Plaid Cymru has also urged the UK Government to urgently provide funding for the inspection and maintenance regime and to bear the long-term costs of making coal tips and former industrial sites safe.

Plaid Cymru spokesperson for Climate Change, Delyth Jewell MS said:

“People across Wales living near disused tips and open cast mines face a daily reminder of our exploited past. But these aren’t just relics of yesteryear: many present a real and growing danger to nearby communities, who live in fear that heavy rain could destabilise the tips, and cause them to slip.

“Welsh people deserve to feel safe in their homes and it is both astonishing and beyond all reason that Westminster still refuses to pay towards making these sites safe. Our coal made rich people in London richer, but all our communities were left with was the coal tips that litter our mountains: the gilts of dirt and dust. We in Plaid Cymru demand that Westminster must urgently pay towards making these tips and former industrial sites safe.”

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