Welsh Lib Dems celebrate 25th anniversary of Welsh Senedd

This week, the Welsh Liberal Democrats have celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Welsh Senedd.

It has now been 25 years since the people of Wales elected the first members to the first National Assembly of Wales.

The Welsh Lib Dems have enjoyed a constant presence in the Welsh Parliament throughout its existence, maintaining its role as a major political force within Welsh politics.

Speaking to the Siambr, party Leader Jane Dodds MS took the opportunity to celebrate the Senedd’s achievements, such as the passing of the Clean Air Act 2024, as well as calling for greater urgency and better community engagement with people from across Wales.

Commenting, the Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats Jane Dodds MS said:

“Throughout the 25 years of the Senedd, we as a party have been ever present in the early years of Welsh politics.

As the leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats, it is my honour to carry on this legacy as my predecessors did before me.

I am proud to be a member of this Senedd and I am proud of the work that we have done so far to improve the lives of people living in Wales.

My very own Mother was part of the stakeholder group who helped in the development of the assembly as it was back then. She wasn’t a politician at all but was what she called a ‘community agitator.’

And that is what I think we should be going back to, listening to those community agitators, and making sure that we are involving everybody here in Wales.

Whether we’re from a rural or an urban area, whether we’re from the North, Middle or South of this great country. Whatever our backgrounds, beliefs, or faiths, we all have an opportunity to change Wales into a nation which is more progressive and inspiring.

Let’s not hold back for the next 25 years.”

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