Welsh Lib Dems leader calls for funding of the arts in Wales

This week in the Senedd, the leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats has called on the Welsh Government to support the arts in Wales.

Organisations across Wales such as Theatr Hafren, the Mid Wales Opera and the Impelo have all lost funding.

Funding allocation is designated by the Art Council of Wales, however Jane Dodds has called on the Welsh Government to provide interim support to these organisations to prevent further damage to the cultural ecosystem in Wales.

Commenting, Jane Dodds MS said:

“We as a nation rightfully pride ourselves on our rich culture, and a key part of this is our achievements in the arts.

Wales’ achievements have placed us on the map as a country rich in art, however we are at risk of losing this reputation.

Organisations across Wales like the Wyeside have seen their funding slashed, whilst others have lost theirs entirely.

But by extending a helping hand the Welsh Government can take a proactive stance in ensuring that the arts are able to thrive here in Wales.

It is vital that we secure the future of the arts in Wales, not just for now but also for future generations.”

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