Welsh Lib Dems call for more support for small businesses in Wales

THE leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats Jane Dodds MS has called for more support for small businesses in Wales.

A recent study from Qardus has revealed that Ceredigion is the local authority where small to medium enterprises are thriving the most in the UK.

Commenting, the leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats Jane Dodds MS said:

“I was delighted to hear that, according to a recent study, Ceredigion has been labelled as the best place for small to medium enterprises to thrive in the UK.

If anything, this should highlight the fact that it is possible for small business owners to secure a real financial foothold for both them and their businesses here in Wales.

However, they cannot do this completely on their own.

Whilst these figures do show promising signs, they also highlight just how difficult it is for small businesses across, not just Wales, but also the UK who are facing little to no help in dealing with the Cost-of-Living crisis.

We must support our local businesses by reducing their business rates and providing them with the necessary resources they need to succeed.

Small businesses are very often the heartbeat of communities across Wales, we cannot afford to sit by and watch as they slowly fade away.”

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