Three Dyfed-Powys Police Nominations from Police and Crime Commissioner wins Wales Safer Communities Awards at Ceremony in Swansea

Dyfed-Powys Police’s Economic Crime Team, INTACT – a multi-agency partnership to combat serious violence and organised crime in Dyfed-Powys, and the Integrated Offender Manageent (IOM) housing project in Dyfed-Powys won awards at the Wales Safer Communities Award in Swansea this week.


The Safer Communities Awards were being held to recognise outstanding contributions to community safety in a multi-agency context. The Awards Ceremony was an opportunity to recognise those who have had a real impact on people’s lives throughout the year.


The Economic Crime Team (Safeguarding Award Winners), INTACT (Serious Violence Award Winners) and the IOM project (Offending and Justice Award) were three of four nominees put forward by Police and Crime Commissioner Dafydd Llywelyn for an award.


Over recent years, staff and officers from Dyfed-Powys Police as well as some key partners who work within all three of these business areas have shown commitment and dedication to safeguarding the communities of Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire and Powys according to PCC Llywelyn, and deserve to be recognised nationally.


In April 2020, Dyfed-Powys’ Economic Crime Team took over the management of all fraud and cybercrime incidents reported to the Force as a call for service – triaging the reports and engaging with victims at the earliest opportunity in order to provide consistent subject matter expert advice, guidance and support and to ensure accurate reporting to Action Fraud.


By taking on the management of all fraud and cybercrime incidents the Economic Crime Team has not only reduced the strain on frontline officers but have gained positive feedback from victims within the community, with many commenting on the quality of service and reassurance they have received.


Formed in 2019, INTACT is a multi-agency partnership to combat serious violence and organised crime in Dyfed-Powys. This partnership was formed in 2019.


The aim is to reduce the harm caused to individuals and communities by serious violence and organised crime (SVOC). It operates under the 4P approach to policing: Prepare; Protect; Prevent; Pursue. They work closely with partner agencies to provide early intervention & prevention service to protect those most at risk of engaging in SVOC as victims or offenders. To date, over 600 children, young people and vulnerable adults have been offered a variety of targeted interventions.


The Dyfed-Powys Integrated Offender Management (IOM) housing project in Ceredigion is a Provision of temporary move on accommodation for Integrated Offender Management offenders.


The IOM team in Ceredigion identified accommodation as the key need amongst the cohort to attempt to break the offending cycle. Existing multi-occupancy projects didn’t provide an environment or opportunity for rehabilitation.


The PCC provided set up funding for a dedicated property (single bedroom flat) to stabilise IOM nominals while more long-term accommodation was found. Since the project was established in 2021, seven nominals have used the property, with main criminogenic needs being accommodation, drugs and mental health. Six nominals have since been de-selected from IOM, with one remaining on the scheme. Reasons for de-selection are that pathways have successfully stabilised, and the individuals no longer require intense multi-agency wraparound support.


In congratulating the three initiatives, Dyfed-Powys Police and Crime Commissioner Dafydd Llywelyn said; “I am immensely proud to congratulate Dyfed-Powys Police and the multi-agency partners, on the well-deserved recognition given to them at the national Wales Safer Communities Award this week.


“The dedication and exceptional efforts of our Economic Crime Team, Serious Violence and Organised Crime Team, and the Integrated Offender Management housing project team have all been acknowledged through these Awards.


“This accomplishment highlights a commitment to safeguarding our communities by tackling complex challenges. Their achievements are a testament to the collaborative spirit and effectiveness of staff and officers, and I extend my sincere appreciation to all involved and commend them for their exemplary service.”


Also receiving recognition at the Awards was the Dyfed-Powys Community Champion initiative. This initiative is a partnership programme between West Wales Domestic Abuse Services, Calan Domestic Violence Service, Threshold, Montgomery Family Crisis Centre and Carmarthenshire Domestic Abuse Service. The Champions educational programme raises awareness of stalking, harassment and hate crimes, working towards creating safer communities, encouraging participants to become Upstanders and report as appropriate.




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