Betws Ifan man fined for failing to prevent night-time cockerel noise

A Betws Ifan man has been fined for failing to comply with the requirements of a Noise Abatement Notice served to him relating to night-time cockerel noise keeping his neighbours awake.


Christopher Wise, of Llainweddfa, Betws Ifan, Newcastle Emlyn, SA38 9QL, pleaded guilty to two breaches of the Notice, served under Section 80 of The Environmental Protection Act 1990 by Ceredigion County Council Public Protection Officers.


Mr Wise repeatedly ignored guidance given to him from Ceredigion Officers, which included relocating the birds away from the boundary with neighbouring properties and ensuring that the birds were housed within suitable outbuildings that would prevent the escape of noise. Mr Wise also ignored warnings about increasing the number of cockerels on site.


Findings from early-hours visits conducted by Ceredigion Public Protection Officers in October 2023 confirmed that cockerel noise could be heard clearly within the bedrooms of neighbouring properties with closed windows. Officers noted that at times the crowing occurred so regularly there was almost no break in the noise. There was sufficient evidence to prove that the previously served Abatement Notice was not being complied with.


Mr Wise left the Court with a stern instruction from the Chair of Magistrates, who said: “This order, you must take it seriously. You’ve been given a lot of advice by the Council. It isn’t acceptable and you must do something about it.”


Councillor Mathew Vaux, Ceredigion’s Cabinet Member for Public Protection, said: “This conviction shows that the Court will support our efforts in ensuring our residents can live peacefully in their own homes. This individual had previously been warned about the noise levels and the distress that he was causing to other residents but ignored them.”


Mr Wise must now pay total costs of £486 as a result of a £240 fine, £96 Court surcharge and £150 payment of costs incurred by the Council.

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