Man jailed for multiple child sex offences

A man from Neath Port Talbot has been jailed for multiple child sex offences.

Robert Johnson, 45, from Sandfields, was found guilty of sexual activity by penetration with a child; two counts of causing/inciting a child to watch/look at an image of sexual activity; possessing an extreme pornographic image; sexual activity (non-penetration) with a child and inciting sexual activity with a child.

He has been sentenced to 10 years in prison at Swansea Crown Court. He will be on the sex offenders register for life.

Detective Inspector Sharon Gill-Lewis said:

“I would like to commend the incredible bravery of the victim in reporting this attack, which has allowed us to bring a dangerous individual to justice.

“I again would like to recognise the work of PC Eleanor Dallas, who led the investigation which resulted in Robert Johnson’s conviction and sentencing.

“I hope that this sentence will serve as encouragement to other victims of sexual abuse to come forward. We will believe you and do everything we can to bring offenders to justice, no matter how long ago the offences took place.

“We take all allegations of sexual abuse extremely seriously. We have specially trained teams that investigate sexual offences and provide support to victims. If you have experienced these kinds of offences, you will be heard and listened to, and your report will be believed.”

Our guidance on support for those affected by rape and sexual assault can be found here: Support for rape and sexual assault | South Wales Police (

See our information and supporting guide for reporting sexual offences here: Reporting sexual offences: Information and supporting guide | South Wales Police (

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