Swansea man jailed for multiple child sex offences

A man from Swansea has been jailed for multiple child sex offences.

34-year-old Phillip Bowler, from Mount Pleasant, sent messages of a sexual nature to his victim before meeting the victim to force them to delete the messages. He then touched the victim inappropriately.

Bowler later sent multiple further communications to his victim, making considerable effort to incite the victim into sexual activity. He also sent the victim a video of himself which was of a sexual nature.

Phillip Bowler was today sentenced to four-and-a-half years in prison for engaging in sexual communications with a child, inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and for arranging/facilitating of child sexual offences.

He will be a registered sex offender for life.

Detective Inspector Sharon Gill-Lewis said: “After prolonged abuse by Phillip Bowler, his victim bravely made the decision to disclose Bowler’s abuse, first to a family member and then in turn the Police.

“This sentence demonstrates that this type of offending will not go unpunished. Phillip Bowler preyed on a defenceless child victim in a depraved manner, and is now rightfully beginning a prison sentence.”

Our guidance on reporting sexual offences can be found here: Reporting sexual offences: Information and supporting guide | South Wales Police (south-wales.police.uk)

Our guidance on reporting an online sexual offence can be found here: Report an online sexual offence | South Wales Police (south-wales.police.uk)

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