Is Eva a real threat to the political dinosaurs?

I don’t go in for conspiracy theories. I stay away from mob rule online. I avoid people who launch into monologues as the leading expert on anything. It is safe to say that I take time to make considered and informed judgments based on the evidence I can find from numerous sources from opposite ends of the issue on the agenda.

Few individuals inspire in the murky world of politics and the news industry has also lost the Rottweilers who used to tackle sleaze balls head on.

Some have cultivated a following based on a belief or set of beliefs over the decades. Women’s rights, Equal rights, etc. In later years we saw the rise of Greta Thunberg who pointed out some of the hypocrisies to World Leaders regarding Climate Change. Greta is not everyone’s cup of tea and the critics are quick to highlight the dilemmas and realities of a world, which is green and eco-friendly. In essence, if we want to avoid the next apocalypse we have to wander around nude eating stingy nettles and riding bikes.

Disagree with or object to the plans of the tree huggers and you are a fascist. Speak out about children being taught about sex in schools and you are a fascist. Engage with groups online over new laws or immigration and you are a fascist. You get the idea.

Enter Eva Vlaardingerbroek, good looks aside she is a white, highly educated, relatively well-off woman from Holland, the land of the liberals. She says her motto in life is ‘Resist Much, Obey Little’. One could glean an awful lot about Eva from that motto but more so from her meteoric rise in the media. She has caught the eye of Neil Oliver and Jordan Peterson. Eva describes herself as an independent political and cultural commentator and legal philosopher. She says that she has dedicated her life to the fight for freedom in the Western world – exposing the globalist lies.

Eva has been covering the farmers’ protests in Germany and Holland as a freelancer. She states that she values her independence and liberty to speak freely more than anything in life. She has been labelled a Dutch right-wing pundit and activist (insert word fascist).

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Vlaardingerbroek spoke out as a firm critic of lockdowns, mRNA vaccines, and other COVID-19 restrictions, stating that the Western world was “losing its freedom”. ‘How can that be’ I hear you say.

In January 2021, Vlaardingerbroek made a live appearance on Tucker Carlson Tonight stating that Europe was “heading towards a new system, a tyrannical regime, of mass surveillance and control”. ‘Surely not’ I hear your cries.

In April 2022, Vlaardingerbroek spoke at the Brussels National Conservatism Conference in Brussels in which she called on people to “reject Globalism and embrace God”. Localism is the word we tend to like.

On 11 March 2023, Vlaardingerbroek participated in the pro-farmer Zuiderpark protest against the government in The Hague. At the protests, Vlaardingerbroek stated that “our farmers are fighting against the worst kind of injustice”.

Dr Maria Montessori

Holland is famed for producing one of the most famous women in the World, Dr. Maria Montessori. Times were very different then and Montessori saw the salvation of man in the education of the child. Her methods inspired some of the World’s leading thinkers including; Prince William, Jimmy Wales, Yo-Yo Ma, Erik Erikson and Thomas Edison. The educational method has the freedom of the child at its core.

We seek to label whatever we can to define and understand but there comes a time when labelling someone just plays into the hands of those who wish to discredit. Montessori became an enemy of the fascists who burned most of her books. She fled Fascist Italy and continued to be persecuted for wanting nothing more than a world of peace. How many others working for and wanting the same befell an untimely end?

Vlaardingerbroek is sure to attract as much wrath as support if she continues to speak freely and take a stance, which is opposed to government policies. She is a new breed of politician who could just tip the scales from the incredibly dense advantage of those who are hell-bent on penalising anyone who owns a car, grows food, breeds animals, runs a business or just for having breath in their lungs.

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