Library staff help bring new-style Swansea stories to life

SWANSEA library staff are at the forefront of a unique new storytelling experience coming to the city this month.

Teams from around Swansea Council’s libraries service are playing their own unique roles in immersive experience StoryTrails.

It’s part of UNBOXED: Creativity in the UK, a ground-breaking UK-wide celebration of creativity in 2022 and is led by the National Centre for Immersive Storytelling: StoryFutures Academy.

Council cabinet member Elliott King said:

“It’s great that our library staff are using their talent, skills and dedication to help bring StoryTrails to life in Swansea. It’ll be an amazing two days of fun for local people and I know that families from around the area will enjoy the new experiences it brings.”

StoryTrails will visit Swansea Central Library on August 10-11 from 11am -7pm.

Digital storyteller Owen Richards is making an interactive immersive map of Swansea. Filmmaker Jay Bedwani is making an augmented reality story trail around the city.

Outside the library, visitors will enter a virtual story portal guided by a free mobile AR app and local performers. Photo ID will be required to borrow equipment for this.

Inside the library, visitors will be immersed in a virtual map of the city that will be made up of 3D models and audio stories.

StoryFutures Academy, the UK’s National Centre for Immersive Storytelling, is at the forefront of training and up-skilling creative media professionals in the use of the next generation of storytelling tools.

For further details visit and via Facebook and Instagram @StoryTrailsProject and Twitter @StoryFuturesA and @StoryFutures

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