Welsh Lib Dems renew calls to better support workers at Tata Steel as closure threatens jobs

ON Tuesday in the Senedd, the Welsh Liberal Democrats renewed calls for more support for workers at risk of losing their jobs at the Tata Steel plant in Port Talbot.

A renewed threat to jobs has resurfaced following rumours that Tata are planning to close the bulk of its operations at the site, promoting calls for industrial action from Unions.

The Welsh Liberal Democrats are calling for an income support package alongside a green skills programme, to support the 3,000 people who could lose their jobs at the plant.

The party has previously called on the Welsh Labour Government to pursue a Green Transition Basic Income.

Commenting, Jane Dodds MS said:

“For far too long now we have seen this plant being propped up by last-minute deals and half-empty promises that have done nothing to resolve the concerns of those working at the site.

The UK Conservative and Welsh Labour Government’s must get their acts together and work towards securing a long-term sustainable green future for the site before it is too late.

By providing a green support package would protect workers from the oncoming storm and provide them with the tools to craft a better tomorrow for both them and the next generation in Port Talbot.

We as a country must have the ambition to match the challenges that come from changing times.”

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