Health Board awards contract for Cross Hands and Tumble GP practices

HYWEL Dda University Health Board (UHB) has successfully appointed a new GP partnership to take over the contract to provide General Medical Services (GMS) for patients registered with Cross Hands and Tumble practices in Carmarthenshire from 1 April 2024.

At a meeting of the Health Board in December, it was decided that an open tender process be entered into. This has now concluded with the appointment of Amman Tawe Partnership to take over the contract.

Jill Paterson, Director of Primary Care, Community and Long-Term Care for Hywel Dda UHB, said: “Amman Tawe Partnership are an experienced, multi-disciplinary team with a strong track record in delivering good quality care for their patients in a neighbouring practice.

“During the interview process, they described their vision for meeting the needs of the patients of the practice, and this contract award represents an opportunity to retain these important services in the heart of the community in which they serve.

“This is a positive outcome for patients and the local community.”

Registered patients will continue to receive their care by the current practice team until 31 March 2024, and Amman Tawe Partnership will take over the running of the Practice from 1April 2024.

Patient registrations will automatically transfer to the new practice so patients do not need to do anything. Discussions about staff and premises are ongoing between both partnerships to ensure as smooth a transition as possible.

The health board appreciates the continuing support given by the community to the team at Cross Hands and Tumble Medical Partnership throughout this challenging period and is sure that they will welcome and support Dr Williams and team at Amman Tawe Partnership.


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