Llanelli Rural Community Council meeting July 12th

At a Council Meeting hosted at the Council Chamber, Vauxhall Buildings, Vauxhall, Llanelli and via remote attendance on Tuesday, 12 July, 2022 at 6.00 pm.

PRESENT: Cllrs. S. R. Bowen, D. M. Cundy, M. V. Davies, S. L. Davies, , A. Evans, E. M. Evans, N. Evans, R. E. Evans, S. N. Lewis, A. G. Morgan (Chairman of Council), J. S. Phillips, W. E. Skinner, A. G. Stephens, N. A. Stephens, O. Williams and B. M. Williams. Together with Mr John Prosser, SOSPPAN

ABSENT: Cllrs. T. M. Donoghue, S. M. T. Ford. AGENDA ITEMS: 1. Apologies for absence. Cllrs. J. P. Hart, S. K. Nurse and A. J. Rogers.

2. Members’ Declarations of Interest in respect of the business transacted. None.

3. Public Participation. None.

4. Minutes. (1) The following Minutes were accepted as a true record of proceedings:

5. SOSPPAN – to receive a presentation from the Chairman, SOSPPAN, Cllr. D. M. Cundy on Hywel Dda University Health Board’s proposals for the reconfiguration of hospital services but particularly A&E Services and the potential impact on Prince Philip Hospital and residents living in the Llanelli area. The presentation was noted and the council subsequently agreed to invite to separate future council meetings, representatives from Hywel Dda University Health Board, the Wales Ambulance Service Trust and Hywel Dda Community Health Council to further discuss the impact of the reconfiguration proposals on Llanelli residents.

6. Representatives on Outside Bodies – Llanelli Committee for the Disabled – further to Minute No. 13, to receive an update from the Clerk and to agree the Council’s response. Llanelli Committee for the Disabled no longer operated and had disbanded. Therefore the outside body appointment would be withdrawn from the council’s list of outside body appointments and year book listing.

7. Minutes of a meeting of the Llanelli Joint Burial Advisory Committee held on 25 January, 2022. The minutes were received and accepted.

8. Schedule of matters reported. Noted.

9. Letters of appreciation The following letters received from the following were noted with thanks: (1) Llanelli Veterans Association; (2) Wales Air Ambulance Charity.

10. Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act, 1960 – it was agreed to exclude members of the public during consideration of the following agenda items because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

11. Representatives on Outside Bodies – Furnace Primary School – further to Minute No. 13, to consider email correspondence from the Chair of Governors, Ysgol Gymraeg Ffwrnes and to agree the Council’s response. The matter was determined in private.

12. Estimates of Income and Expenditure 2022/23 – Training Department – to consider the report of the Finance Manager. The matter was determined in private.

The meeting concluded at 7.10 pm.

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