Carmarthenshire Council drop plans for £17million special school in Llanelli

Llanelli Councillors have hit out at Plaid-run Carmarthenshire Council after it was revealed the administration have pulled plans for a new £17 million special school in Llanelli.

In a joint statement between Carmarthenshire Council and the school, it’s been confirmed that the planned relocation of Ysgol Heol Goffa has been shelved due to financial constraints.

Carmarthenshire councillors previously voted to approve the move of Ysgol Heol Goffa to a new site near the recently completed Ysgol Pen Rhos, Copperworks Road. This area is where the new £100+ million Pentre Awel wellness and life science village is currently being built.

The proposal had gone through a lengthy process, involving consultations and the publication of a statutory notice. The planned move of Ysgol Heol Goffa would have also increased capacity of the school from 75 to 120.

Local Lliedi Councillors Rob James and Anthony Leyshon, who represent the Heol Goffa area, said they are ‘devastated’ by the news, with the former Labour Group Leader calling the current school condition unfit to meet the needs for Llanelli pupils with additional learning needs.

Councillors Rob James and Anthony Leyshon said “We are devastated by the news that the Plaid-run Carmarthenshire Council have pulled plans to build a new special school for Ysgol Heol Goffa.

“After seven years of talking and a significant amount of public funds spent on planning, we are incredibly disappointed that they are not proceeding with building a new school.

“Having spoken to many families in the area over recent years, we know that ALN support, both in schools and outside, is lacking in Llanelli. The question the Council must now answer is how will ALN provision be improved without this much-needed and promised investment?

“As the local Councillors for Lliedi, we will continue to work closely with the excellent staff and supportive families at Ysgol Heol Goffa to ensure
the most vulnerable pupils in Carmarthenshire are not treated as second-class citizens.

“Over recent decades, we have built new mainstream education schools across Carmarthenshire; it is outrageous that those pupils that are most vulnerable are not being supported with a school that meets their requirements.

“We will not stop campaigning for a new school for Ysgol Heol Goffa. We will not stop campaigning for improved ALN education provision in Llanelli.”

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