Stradey Park Hotel to re-open next week

The Stradey Park Hotel in Llanelli that was subject to a controversial repurposing as a refuge for asylum seekers is re-opening as a Hotel next week.

Robert Lloyd, who organised and chaired the first public meeting to discuss the controversial asylum seeker plan just over a year ago, said –

“It has been a brutal and distressing 12 months for the people of Furnace village and Llanelli town.

“But there is now some light at the end of the tunnel with the anticipated reopening of the hotel next week.

“It is a pity that the owners have felt unwilling to share information about the hotel’s return to active service, but here is what we know so far . . .

“A new sign has gone up at the entrance. The site is busier, with staff going to and fro. The kitchen is operational (we’ve even had the aroma of the trial breakfasts).

“We understand internal renovations are complete and the executive chef has been busy preparing new menus. Equipment and safety measures have been tested and we understand all fire certificates have now been sorted.

“The online booking on the website appears to show a window for initial trial room bookings starting on June 4.”

Mr Lloyd, who is part of the Furnace Action Committee, added: “We had three key ambitions when the committee first started work – stop the asylum seeker plan; preserve the four-star hotel and secure the 100 jobs.

“The first part was achieved last October. We remain hopeful that the hotel will reopen its doors to staying (and paying) customers next week. Hopefully, once the hotel is fully operational, we will see previous employment (both full and part-time) return to their May, 2023, levels and business with other local traders and suppliers resuming.

“There has been some talk on social media about boycotting the hotel and protesting outside.

“Plainly, this is barmy. Llanelli and Carmarthenshire needs the Stradey Park Hotel (and the beds it offers tourists and visitors). The hotel needs to return to active service as a venue for events and weddings.

“The people of Furnace do not wish to see their daily lives disrupted once again with nonsense talk about boycotts and protests.

“The reopening of the hotel should allow everyone to close the book on what was a very unpleasant chapter in the life of the village. Everyone now needs to draw a line and move on.”

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