Call for moratorium on closure of public toilets in Pembrokeshire to be heard

A CALL for a moratorium on the potential closure of public toilets in Pembrokeshire is to be heard next week.

Pembrokeshire County Council’s Cabinet approved the Local Toilet Strategy 2023 – required under the Public Health (Wales) Act 2017 – at its meeting on Monday, April 24.

It is intended to help address the current challenges faced by local authorities in continuing to sustain provision during times of substantial financial pressures.

Concerns had previously been raised in a report prior to the February meeting of Cabinet, with 30-plus toilets at potential risk of closure if community asset transfers to town and community councils weren’t agreed, or funding streams not identified.

Following a February Cabinet decision, and later backing from full council, it was agreed money from the second homes element of council tax would provide a lifeline for these toilets, up until November, while negotiations with stakeholders including Pembrokeshire Coast National Park continue.

The May 11 meeting of Pembrokeshire County Council’s full council will now hear a call for a moratorium on any potential closure.

The Notice of Motion, made by Cllr Huw Murphy, asks: “That the council in recognition of public concern place a moratorium on the proposed closure of all Public Toilets listed in Group 2 of Agenda item 10 of Cabinet meeting, dated February 13, 2023.

“This notice proposes that all Group 2 toilets be kept open until March 31, 2025 to allow ample time to identify selected public toilets for seamless transfer into the possession of external organisations eg: PCNPA, Town/Community Councils (subject to affordability), etc.

“The timescales proposed with regards to ‘Public Toilet Funding’ on February 13, 2023 if strictly enforced will lead to unnecessary closures with the consequence of disadvantaging many vulnerable residents and visitors.

“This Notice of Motion is a reflection of public disquiet and concern, hence the moratorium request.

“This Notice of Motion is therefore a request that the five recommendations approved by Cabinet on February 13, 2023 be replaced by an unambiguous moratorium, and that all Group 2 toilets are retained until March 31, 2025 to allow for a measured transfer of those toilets suitable for transfer to external organisations eg PCNPA be completed; and allow for further value engineering on those not suitable for transfer to establish how many can be retained by PCC.

“The timescales as approved by Cabinet on February 13, 2023 is simply unrealistic.”

Cllr Murphy, with the support of his 16 fellow Independent Group councillors, has also submitted a ‘call-in’ request on the public toilets, which will be heard at the council’s May 9 Extraordinary Policy and Pre-decision Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

He asked for a “full re-examination of the cost of retaining these public toilets” be undertaken before a final decision is taken on any closures.

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