Calls for action answered over used needles littering at former hostel site

A COUNCIL has confirmed that it is looking into the issue of used needles littering the site of a former hostel.

Residents in Cardiff have called for action to be taken on the former NosDa hostel – now abandoned – on Despenser Street ever since it became a site for littering and drug use.

The outdoor area at the building, adjacent to the path along the River Taff, in particular has started to look worse for wear, with used needles having been left on picnic benches.

One resident kicked out about the mess over social media, saying the issue has become “unhealthy and dangerous”.

NosDa announced in March 2020 that it would be closing indefinitely due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In November 2020, the company said the hostel was still closed, but added that it was looking to reopen in 2021.


The hostel remains abandoned and according to Companies House, Nos Da Inn is now dissolved.

A Cardiff council spokesman confirmed that a notice will be served on the landowner for the needles and waste in the front of the property, but added that the council “does have to go through a legal process”.

Cardiff council’s ward members for Riverside have been contacted for their thoughts on the former hostel.



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