Fire Service offers advice for students in Freshers’ Week

MID and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service is offering advice to those beginning their first years or returning to university as students take part in freshers’ weeks across the country.

Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service said:

“With Freshers falling a week before our own initiative, ‘Student Fire Safety Week’, South Wales Fire and Rescue Service (SWFRS) are combining the messaging to educate new students around being fire safe in their new environments.

“Students moving to university are commonly moving away from home for the first time, which can be both an exciting and daunting prospect. New students often have limited knowledge of, or understanding about, fire safety – which is why SWFRS are attending Freshers’ Weeks across the whole of South Wales, to engage with students and offer advice on how to keep safe in their new accommodation, whether it’s halls of residence, or private residences.

“If you spot any of our team at these events, come and say hello, and keep an eye out for the helpful information we’ll be sharing across our social media platforms throughout the week.”

Our top fire safety tips for students –


Keep fire exits and escape routes clear
Ask for advice when unsure about food preparation which involves the use of electrical appliances
Take extra care when using hair straighteners or hair dryers
Ensure lit candles are away from flammable objects, and are blown out before leaving a room
React quickly to fire alarms, and evacuate the premises safely
Know your escape route


Cover smoke alarms
Let rubbish build up, especially in entryways
Tamper with fire safety equipment, like fire extinguishers, fire alarms or fire exit signs
Ignore fire or smoke alarms
Overload plug sockets
Smoke inside
Cook whilst drunk or distracted

E-Bikes and E-Scooters:

Use the manufacturer approved charger and follow charging and storage instructions
Avoid storing or charging them in hallways or doorways, as you may block an escape route
Don’t store or charge them near anything that could catch fire
Don’t charge batteries overnight or if you’re not nearby
Store e-bikes and e-scooters in a cool place, rather than somewhere very hot or cold
Avoid inappropriate extension leads and overloaded sockets.

And remember,

if there is a fire, get out! Stay out! Call 999!

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