‘Full Review in Social Services in Wales Needed’ – Jane Dodds

Commenting on the release of the report into the murder of 5-year-old Logan Mwangi by Cwm Taf Morgannwg Safeguarding Board, Welsh Liberal Democrat Leader Jane Dodds MS, who worked for over 25 years as a child protection social worker stated:

“I welcome the publication of this review, but what we really need now is the Welsh Government needed to undertake a full review of social services in Wales.

“I note the recommendation for a review of national child protection conferences but it needs to go wider.

“This is not about apportioning blame, but we need more staff in social work who are supported and who work together better.

“This was a child who should not have lived in fear of his life, which was so tragically taken. Police, social workers, CAFCASS and health authorities failed him.

“Finally, the report should have called him Logan, rather than dehumanising him by calling him Child T”

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