Institute of Welsh Affairs tribute to HM the Queen

THE Institute for Welsh Affairs has issued a statement following the death of Her Majesty The Queen.

It reads:

Rydym yn ymuno a ffrindiau ledled Cymru yn eu tristwch mawr o glywed am farwolaeth EM y Frenhines Elizabeth II.

Yn ystod ei theyrnasiad hir gwelwyd hunaniaeth Cymru yn cryfhau, gan arwain yn hyderus at gyfnod datganoli.

Mae’n meddyliau gyda’r Teulu Brenhinol.

We join friends from across Wales in our deep sadness at the death of
HM Queen Elizabeth II.

Her long reign has presided over the strengthening of Wales as a nation and country, emerging confident into the era of devolution.

Our thoughts are with the Royal Family.

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