Jane Dodds MS responds to Welsh Government draft budget

Responding to the Welsh Government’s draft budget Welsh Liberal Democrat Leader Jane Dodds said:

“We welcome today’s news on business rates. I also recognise the difficulties in setting this budget given the crisis in the economy caused by the Conservative’s failure to get a hold of the energy crisis and Liz Truss’ disastrous mini-budget.

“However, going forward I would like to see a greater focus on a number of key areas. While I am pleased about some of the progress made today on health and social care, I am concerned that what has been announced won’t go far enough to stem the tide of people leaving both professions and we have yet to see any breakdown on how this fund would be spent.

“Likewise, I cannot see any proposals in this budget that will make a significant dent in solving the crisis in NHS dentistry. Nor are there any detailed proposals for an emergency insulation programme, something that would not only help the environment, but would save the Welsh Government, local authorities and families money in the long run.

“I would also like to see more support for Local Government to ensure vital services they provide can continue.


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