Many Tears Rescue opens one-of-a-kind Dog Playground

On 26th of April Many Tears Rescue opened their new playground for dogs. Many Tears said that it is not only a project that is meant to give the dogs extreme pleasure, and help get the equine desensitised to unusual objects. It has opened to celebrate Many Tears being open for 20 years.

The unique play obstacles, slides jumps, and bridge have been made nearly entirely from materials that have been thrown away by others,


The huge horse is to commemorate the horses that served us in the wars, and also giving the dogs the chance to climb and slide , and the wellington boot dog is in honour of all the beagles who still die so needlessly for vivisection.

Many Tears said that there is not a play park for dogs or anything like it in the world.

Pics: Tessa Finch

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