Minutes silence observed at Pembrokeshire County Hall following fatal collision

A minute’s silence was observed by Pembrokeshire councillors yesterday following two recent deaths in the county.

The main council chamber at County Hall, Haverfordwest, fell silent yesterday, July 13, following a request from Presiding Member Simon Hancock.

Cllr Hancock asked fellow councillors to join him in an act of respect and remembrance after he spoke about the recent deaths of baby Mabli Cariad Hall and Princes Gate Springwater co-founder Glyn Jones.

Baby Mabli died in the early hours of June 25 at Bristol Children’s Hospital after sustaining injuries following a collision involving a car outside the A&E department at Withbush Hospital, Haverfordwest, on June 21.

Speaking at the start of the July meeting of Pembrokeshire County Council, during his announcements, Cllr Hancock said: “I’m afraid I have to begin this meeting on an extremely sad note.

“I’m sure all members will be aware of the tragic circumstances of the collision that happened outside Withybush hospital, Haverfordwest last month.

“The collision sadly took the life of baby Mabli Cariad Hall who was just eight months old.”

Cllr Hancock, choking back emotions, added: “It’s a terrible tragedy; today we extend our deepest condolences to Mabli’s parents and family.

“Shocking news, everyone was shocked.”

Cllr Hancock was later joined in his condolences by Council Chairman Cllr Tom Tudor.

Cllr Hancock also told members of the recent sudden death of Princes Gate Springwater co-founder Glyn Jones.

“We also recall, with the utmost regret, the sudden death of Mr Glyn Jones of New House Farm, Ludchurch; he was one of the founders of the Princes Gate water company, which was such a success – is a success – and he was also a community councillor for 35 years, being chair of Lampeter Velfrey Community Council on numerous occasions.

“So, we extend our deepest sympathy to Mr Glyn Jones’ family as well.

“So, members, if you are able, could you please join me in standing as a mark of respect.”

In a statement previously issued via Dyfed-Powys Police, Mabli’s family said that they ‘will always remember her beautiful little smile’.

“We are absolutely heartbroken by the death of our beautiful baby girl, Mabli,” said parents, Rob and Gwen Hall.

“She was adored by us and her five siblings, and brought us so much joy in her short life.

“We will always remember Mabli’s beautiful little smile and cherish the time we had with her’.

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