Plaid stand with RCN and its members

Plaid Cymru stands with the RCN and their members as they fight for the pay, working conditions and recognition they deserve Rhun AP Iorwerth MS has said.

Responding to the results of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) strike ballot which confirm the RCN is in a formal trade dispute with the Welsh Government regarding NHS nursing pay, Plaid Cymru’s spokesperson for health and care, Rhun ap Iorwerth MS said,

“Plaid Cymru is on the side of all workers fighting for fair pay and safe working conditions. We can’t expect the kind of ongoing commitment that nurses give to their work and to patients, without ensuring they’re properly and fairly rewarded.

“No-one wants industrial action if there was any other option – and that includes the nurses themselves, more than anyone – but the fact the ballot took place in the first place indicates the strength of feeling. Plaid Cymru stands with the RCN and their members as they fight for the pay, working conditions and recognition they deserve.”

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