Plans for housing development in St Dogmaels withdrawn amid second home fears

PLANS for a housing development in St Dogmaels, which a local community group feared may become second homes or holiday lets, have been withdrawn.

The application to build 15 mixed house-type homes, and associated works including a new access, at land adjoining Green Meadow, Pilot Street, was made by Enzo’s Estates Ltd.

The applicant has previously said the principle of the residential development on the site had been established through a previous approved outline permission in 2006, and a later reserved matters consent in 2010.

The application, which was to be considered by Pembrokeshire County Council planners, has now been withdrawn following a planning officer evaluation.

The evaluation said the proposed scheme conflicted with Future Wales and Local Development Plan policies, amongst others, and would “lead to adverse biodiversity impacts contrary to the duties placed on the local planning authority by the Environment (Wales) Act 2016 and would not positively contribute towards the achievement of sustainable development”.

Local community council St Dogmaels discussed the application back in April, unanimously agreeing to object to it.

Concerns raised included the proposed development not meeting local housing needs, and environmental concerns including land drainage.

A petition against the proposed development by community group Llandudoch Yfory (St Dogmaels Tomorrow) collected nearly 1,000 signatures.

“The community of St Dogmaels is currently facing a substantial threat from a potential housing development on the field alongside Green Meadow on Pilot Street,” said Llandudoch Yfory recently.

It said the application shows “no intention of providing affordable homes”.

It added: “Llandudoch Yfory (St Dogmaels Tomorrow) believes that this application is unacceptable and does not reflect the needs of the locality. Green Meadow is a precious green area which should be kept and sympathetically developed for the benefit of the village community.”

The petition also claims that the proposed new dwellings are “of a size and price that does not answer our community’s needs”.

It raises concerns that new properties could become second homes or holiday lets, and could have “a detrimental impact on the Welsh language and culture”.

The now withdrawn application, in support of the development, said the site within the settlement area, could be considered a ‘windfall’ site, which would “make an important contribution to meeting the housing supply”.

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