Welsh government votes against review into children’s services in Wales

Responding to Labour voting down of a cross-party effort to force a review into children’s services in Wales, Welsh Liberal Democrat Leader Jane Dodds MS, who worked for over 25 years as a social worker, said:

“It is disappointing the Labour has chosen to block a review into Children’s Services in Wales. This of course comes just a week after they voted to block a Welsh COVID inquiry raising serious questions over Labour’s commitment to scrutiny and devolution.

“More importantly than that however, Wales will now be left as the only part of the UK without a review into children’s services. The Welsh Government point to a range of other reviews, but the fact remains that Wales has never had a specific review on child protection services.

“I cannot understand what reason the Welsh Government would have for voting against a review, which would only highlight areas for improvement. Every child in Wales deserves at least the chance to be adequately protected and we should take all opportunities to ensure this happens.”

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