Welsh Lib Dems call for action to tackle shortage of dentists in Wales

TODAY (21st February 2024) in the Senedd, the Welsh Liberal Democrats have called on the Welsh Government to take urgent action in tackling the current shortage of dentists in Wales.

According to the OECD, Wales has some of the lowest dentist-to-population ratios in the developed world, at just 0.4 dentists per 1,000 people.

The Welsh Lib Dems are now calling for more to be done to recruit and retain dentists in Wales, particularly in rural areas where there is a critical shortage.

Commenting, the Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats Jane Dodds MS said:

“I am deeply concerned about the current recruitment crisis facing dental care here in Wales.

The shortage of dentists in Wales is a critical issue needing long-term solutions, particularly when it comes to rural areas who are currently experiencing a drought when it comes to easily accessible dental care.

Wales already has some of the lowest dentist-to-population ratios in the developed world, and with over 14% of our current dental workforce approaching retirement age this is a problem that will only get worse as time goes on.

More must be done to recruit and retain dentists,ensuring that their talents remain in Wales for the foreseeable future.

The establishment of a dental school at Bangor University will go a long way in assisting long-term recruitment. But more needs to be done to make Dental Foundation Training places in Wales more attractive.

We must stem the tide and be proactive in our approach to tackling this recruitment crisis before it is too late.”

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