Operation #DawnsGlaw is an All-Wales Multi-Agency Task Force, initially established to reduce the incidents of deliberately set grass fires across Wales. Now in its seventh year, the role and remit of the task force continues to expand to include a focus on accidental fires, as well as increased engagement with farmers and landowners around land management plans.
The focus again this year is around developing a healthier more resilient Welsh landscape.
In 2022 the fire services across Wales attended 3,269 grassfire incidents – this was an increase of 62% on the previous year with deliberate grass fires increasing by 1542 (47%) to 2263. The increase was mainly due to hot dry weather in July and Aug which resulted in a second spike of incidents in addition to the Mar/Apr activity.
Since 1st June 2023 we have experienced:
Mid and West Wales
In line with the approach taken last year, we have again developed a campaigns page on Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service website which holds all the materials developed to support this year’s campaign, including pre-written and pre-translated social media messages and downloadable social media graphics (please see links below). As the campaign will need to be dynamic and react to weather conditions and changes in activity levels, we would ask that you utilise the toolkits as appropriate.
#DawnsGlaw campaign page
Welsh #Dawnsglaw – Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub Canolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru (tancgc.gov.uk)
English #Dawnsglaw – Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service (mawwfire.gov.uk)
#DawnsGlaw resource library page
Welsh #Dawnsglaw – Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service (mawwfire.gov.uk)
English #Dawnsglaw – Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service (mawwfire.gov.uk)