Swansea Bay services combine to help break stigma around mental health

A special event was held in Swansea today (Tuesday 10th October) with the aim of breaking the stigma surrounding mental health.

Swansea Bay University Health Board staged the promotional event in the Waterfront Museum to coincide with World Mental Health Day.

The idea was to encourage the public to talk about mental health and show them how and where to seek help if they are struggling.

A number of third sector organisations were also invited to host stalls and promote the services they provide.

It was the first time the event had been held in-person since 2019, with more than 40 stall holders present, including a wide range of health board services.

A series of discussions was held throughout the day on topics including suicide prevention and patient experience.

To further support health board staff, online lunch and learn events have been set up to help them deal with the daily challenges of their critically important roles, along with helping colleagues and others who may be struggling.

Connie Bush, health board graduate trainee manager, learning and development, organised the event with Ricky Morgan, Assistant Head of Operations for the Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Service Group.

Ricky Morgan and Connie Bush 

Connie said: “This was a welcome return to an in-person event as it was not possible for the last few years due to the pandemic.

“Instead it was held on Microsoft Teams for health board staff, but this event allowed us to include the public.

“We were delighted with how many health board services and third sector organisations got involved as mental health is so important.

“This year’s theme is Mental Health Is a Universal Human Right, and that theme was prominent throughout the event.

“The stigma of discussing mental health is being broken, and we want people to feel more comfortable talking about it.

“That has definitely been the case today thanks to various organisations and services in attendance.”


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