Welsh Lib Dems call on Welsh Gov to offer more support to childcare sector

ON the 12th of March in the Senedd, the Welsh Liberal Democrats called on the Welsh Government to offer more support for the childcare sector.

The party raised concerns over the potential impact that the 2024 National Living Wage uplift may have on childcare providers.

According to a recent survey from Early Years Wales, 84% of childcare providers stated that the wage increase is unaffordable given the current funding rates and rising operational costs they face.

The same survey also found that 91% of providers have been forced to consider or are set to increase fees for parents, while 94% believe that the current funding rates are inadequate.

The Welsh Lib Dems are now calling on the Welsh Government to provide more support for the childcare sector.

Commenting, the Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats Jane Dodds MS said:

“Unfortunately, like many industries here in Wales, our childcare sector is nearing its financial breaking point.

Devoid of any substantial government backing, there is a real risk that countless childcare providers could go under if immediate action isn’t taken.

The impact of losing our childcare sector would be felt by all of us here in Wales, not just working families that are already struggling with balancing work and home responsibilities.

Families across the country are already being faced with an almost impossible task of finding affordable and easily accessible childcare, with many being forced to choose between forking out thousands of pounds or quitting work.

To put it simply, with less affordable childcare providers, more parents will be forced to make the difficult choice of leaving their employment. Creating a potential butterfly effect that could devastate our already struggling economy.

We urgently need the Welsh Government to support the sector and help protect working Welsh families.”

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